The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap is intended to guide states in prioritizing prenatal-to-3 science-based policy goals, adopt and implement the most effective policies and strategies to implement these goals, monitor the state's progress toward adoption and implementation, and measure outcomes to determine the overall health and well-being of infants, toddlers, and parents in the state.
The roadmap highlights eight prenatal-to-3 policy goals informed by the science of the developing child and underscores the need for children to be born healthy, for their parents to be healthy, for parents to have the skills and resources needed to be the parents they aspire to be and that their children deserve, and when children are not with their parents they are in high-quality, nurturing safe care environments. The policy goals focus on mental and physical health, economic security, nurturing relationships, and identifying any needs early, and connecting children and families with the services that can help them.
There are five policies and six strategies to strengthen the prenatal-to-3 system of care detailed within the roadmap. These solutions have the strongest evidence base to date of impacting the prenatal-to-3 policy goals; fostering the health and economic resources so families can help their children thrive, ensure children and families have access to the services they need and are eligible for; such as health care and food stamps, and ensure that work pays and allows parents to balance providing for and caring for their children.
Ohio has implemented two out of five effective policies, has made some progress toward two additional policies, and has made little to no progress on the final policy. Although two policies were fully implemented, work is still needed for those policies to achieve their full benefit. Ohio Expanded Income Eligibility for Health Insurance, however, additional requirements were also implemented that could limit participation. While the state Reduced Administrative Burden for SNAP by having a 12-month recertification interval, the SNAP manual allows for recertification intervals that are less than 12 months. The state has made some progress toward implementing a State Minimum Wage of $10 or greater by having a minimum wage higher than the federal base. Ohio has also implemented a State Earned Income Tax Credit although it is non-refundable. The state has not made any progress on implementing Paid Family Leave.
One of six effective strategies have been implemented in Ohio with substantial progress, while three strategies have received some progress, and two have received little to no progress. The only strategy Ohio has made substantial progress is Evidence-Based Home Visiting Programs. The state reaches this marker by supplementing federal funding and having an estimated 8.9% of eligible children under age 3 served by home visiting. The first of three strategies Ohio has made some progress in is Comprehensive Screening and Referral Programs, having several Healthy Steps sites. Some progress has also been made in Group Prenatal Care by providing limited grant funding for prenatal care within the last three years. Ohio has also made some progress in providing Early Intervention Services by using moderate criteria to determine eligibility; however, the state does not serve children who are at risk for later delays or disabilities. Little to no progress has been made within Child Care Subsidies or Early Head Start. Ohio’s base reimbursement rate for Child Care Subsidies do not meet the federally recommended 75th percentile although, the state does rely on a recent market rate survey to set rates. Finally, Ohio does not supplement federal funding for Early Head Start and only 6% of income-eligible children have access to Early Head Start programs.
Ohio is on the road to building a strong state for infants and toddlers. While there is always more work that can be done, during the launch of the PN-3 State Policy Roadmap, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine provided remarks as he highlighted some of the steps Ohio has taken to ensure that we obtain the overall health and well-being of infants, toddlers, and parents. You can find both the recording of Governor DeWine’s remarks at the launch as well as the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Roadmap for Ohio below.